Timelord is a plugin by Battle Axe that allows you to send layers and frames from Photoshop and Animate to After Effects with the flexibility you've always dreamed of. With Timelord you can work with vectors, gradients, editable text, guides, and much more. Timelord is the plugin that transforms Photoshop and Animate into After Effects extensions.
Get 15% discount using the code "HAPPYMOTION" at checkout.
Get this plugin by clicking HERE.

Timelord es un plugin de Battle Axe que te permite enviar capas y fotogramas desde Photoshop y Animate a After Effects con la flexibilidad que siempre soñaste. Con Timelord puedes trabajar con vectores, gradientes, texto editable, guías y mucho más. Timelord es el plugin que transforma a Photoshop y Animate en extensiones de After Effects.
Obtén 15% de descuento usando el código "HAPPYMOTION" en el checkout.
Consigue este plugin dando clic AQUÍ.
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