WOOD is a five second animation, winner in the Animation Award category at Festival Audiovisual Ojo Loco 2012/ Crazy Eye Audiovisual Festival 2012, made in Guayaquil, Ecuador and organized by students at the University Casa Grande.
The contest was to create, within 48 hours, an animation with five seconds of duration, with reference to the phrase:
"Every act of creation is first of all ,
an act of destruction "
-Pablo Picasso-
an act of destruction "
-Pablo Picasso-
Based on the phrase, I thought of a lumberjack cutting down a tree (destruction), then he returns to home to keep cutting wood, and its purpose is to put a small piece of wood on one of the legs of his bed to fix that was uneven (creation).
I thought about doing the whole thing in 3D but , when rendering the first second, my computer was delayed around five hours, and not having much time to deliver the animation, I decided to make in 2D the last 4 seconds remaining, and does not look bad that mixture of 2D and 3D.
The musical composition is mine.
All sounds were made with foley sounds of my mouth, recorded with my smartphone and modified a bit .
3D ------------------- Cinema 4D R13
2D ------------------- Adobe After Effects CS6
Music --------------- Reason 5.0
Edition ------------- Adobe Premiere CS6
Hope you like it.